Thursday, 24 March 2011


*This piece was taken from Style at Home Magazine (Page 74, April issue):

STYLE AT HOME: Wow! Red is a bold colour for a sofa.

                 TOMMY SMYTHE: Don't hate my sofa because it's beautiful or because it's red. A room without red is like a women without lipstick....unfinished! Admittedly, a sofa isn't an accent - it's a statement. I was drawn to a strong colour choice with modern, tailored lines and luxe fabric.

While reading April's issue of  Style at Home Magazine I came across Tommy Smythe article called 'MODERN SOFA.' Now under normal circumstances I am not a fan of the colour red at all, but this article caught my attention with its rich red sofa paired with simple white walls and an understated painting. It took this 'outrageous' loud colour to a livable, classy red. The designer displays his beautiful deep red modern sofa and talks about why he chose it and why it works for him. It's a short, sweet and Symthe's witty and straight to the point attitude makes the message loud and clear. Why wouldn't you own a red sofa? What do we have against red? Your sofa is meant to stand out not blend in. It is the most important feature that can make or break your living room. 

Whenever people come into the Modern Sensibility and decide to go with the red, I give them a slight eyebrow raise not because I'm thinking umm....what are they thinking? but because I am truly proud that they'd be so bold. It takes a big personality to pull off a red sofa. This person is definitely someone who has vision for design and that has to be commended. So, hats off to all you red sofa owners!

How bold are you ?  Do you think you could pull off a red sofa? Leave a comment or like us on facebook tell me what you think.

This is what I picture my home to look like if I were ever to get a red sofa. Something simple with browns, greens,and muted shades to tone down the overpower feeling of red. Share what you're red living room would look like @modsensibility

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