No Matter How Long The Winter Is, Spring Is Sure To Follow - Proverb |
The first signs spring is near happens when we move our clocks forward an hour and the days becomes longer. I was even more surprised at this weeks temperatures today will be a high of 17. I stepped outside this morning and felt spring in the air. I wore a light leather jacket, the sun was shining brightly, the cool breeze against my skin, and the sky was clear. Spring was in the air.
I love spring! It’s my absolutely favourite season ever. Winter is a big drag; the snow, bare leaves on the trees, the freezing cold temperatures, winter jackets and everything is just dead and reminds me of sadness. Spring reminds me of rebirth and new life after a long winter. Everything is in bloom and getting beautiful again. It’s as if Mother Nature does a revamp every spring and that's why I love it so much because I feel like I come alive again in spring and bloom with the flowers.
It's not just me either I see it in everyone around me strangers and friends. People smile more and are filled with excitement and anticipation for the new season, love and happiness are at an all time high, people are out shopping and enjoying the cool weather, getting rid of old things and welcoming the new. This is known as "Spring Fever" and if you live somewhere that has bad winters I'm sure you know the feelings I'm describing. The weather is also starting to reflect spring and summer; this Thursday Toronto will be up to +20! I decided to do my spring cleaning this weekend what better way to shake of those winter blues and inject some spring into your home. There's no need to go out and spend a lot of money, or make it a huge redecorating project (unless that's on your to-do list) these simple tips will spruce up your home and have it feeling fresh and inviting in no time.
1. Get Rid Of All Unnecessary Clutter
I feel like I always suggest this as a tip but it's because it is the most important thing when it comes to your home. A beautiful home is a well organized and clutter free home. You know those clothes you been meaning to drop off at goodwill, or those old letters, magazines and bills you have billed up unsure of what to do with them except allow them to collect dust. Or any random odds and ends that simply have no place but to be put in the garbage or donated. Get rid of them! Make a pile for what absolutely has to go, donate and maybe and maybe not. You'll even find things you forgot you had but need or can put to use again. Not only will your house feel so much lighter, you'll realize how much better you feel once the clutter is gone. I found a quote by William Morris that sum this up perfectly, "Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."
2. Clean, Wash, Scrub, Repeat
This will probably be the most daunting part of spring cleaning but to welcome new beginning it is a mandatory step. I know everyone cleans their home weekly, but do we ever really do a full house cleaning? Most of our schedules just don't allow for this nor is it entirely necessary. This is the perfect time to give your home a good deep cleaning. Work from top to bottom bag all piles you made earlier and bring them to their appropriate place. Next start by dusting; wipe down the walls, vacuum, mop. If you have full carpeting consider hiring a professional carpet cleaner. This step will take a couple hours but it is worth it once you’re finish.
3. Add A Pop Of Colour
Spring colours are popping up everywhere already since Pantone announced them earlier this year. You don't have to go crazy trying to add these colours to your home decor, just a pop of colour here or there will do. I'm really excited to introduce these colours to my home and my spring/summer wardrobe. They're bright and fun and scream, "Spring has Sprung!" Use them as accents in your home by getting throw pills, a blanket, picture frames and vases in the colours you like.  |
A Pillow Like The One Above Would Be A Great Pop Of Colour |
4. Shining Bright and Smelling Nice
Now that your home is de-cluttered and you did a deep cleaning and you added colour move on to making your home smell like spring. Think scented candles, incense, scented wax, air fresheners in scents like fresh linen, lavender, jasmine, summer breeze. Have you ever walked in to a room that smelled so good you couldn't stop sniffing the air, and with every breath in you felt more relaxed? That wasn't a coincidence smell alert our senses and increases our happiness levels. It causes us to feel more relaxed that's why a lot of people light scented candles during their meditations. My favourite is fresh linen. You can get scents and candles anywhere from drug store brands like glade and febreze to higher end stores like Bath and Body works, or even at online stores. Adding light will also brighten up the space and make it feel more airy and bigger. A simple standing lamp or side table lamp will help create this feeling. Better yet you could open up your blinds and let the natural sunlight shine through.
5. Create An Opening An Inviting Space
Do you love having guest over? Are you big on entertaining? Spring is the perfect time to do this when everyone is coming out of hibernation from a dreary winter. When your guest come over do they feel comfortable? When you say, "Make yourself at home" have you created the proper setting for a comfortable home? Blanket on the sofa, Candy on the coffee table, enough seating for friends are just little things you can do to make people feel invited. *Click Here if you want more ideas on how to create an opening an inviting space. HOW DO YOU PREPARE YOUR HOME FOR SPRING?